Ejector Seat Enhancement Patent [foreign application priority Sep. 8, 1995] to push forward the human [+Gz] vertical accelerations tolerance limits* &to relieve pilots or seat occupants from these violent [+Gz] Forces exerted during: 

Ø                   Ejection                            (average)   17G     or            1,870 lbs  [or 17 x 110 lbs (chest’s weight =110lbs)]

Ø                   Dogfight /training             (up to)       9G     or               990 lbs  [or   9 x 110]

Ø                   Navy deck landing                ’’            7G     or               770 lbs  [or   7 x 110]

Ø                   Crash &controlled crash in commercial &military transports, events of blast, shocks, vibrations encountered with all sea /land /aircrafts.

*  (24-5)




The purpose of this document is to emphasize on the advantages of a new Ejector Seat System as it is described in the US 6129313 / UK 0844965 Patent, entitled “System for damping and distributing the stress exerted on the human body during an emergency ejection…”, with regard to the present techniques in the domain of saving the life of service men. Our invention is in total agreement with the Government administration and military staff specifications (Solicitation RFP N00421-05-0050; see copy below) and perfectly fits with what any aircrew should expect of such a system in terms of proper safety and mastery in flight.


(1) During an ejection, our system would better prevent the aircrew (men/women) from suffering major trauma (spinal or organic injuries), would permit to lower the 10% fatalities rate, and by the way should reduce drastically the military and social costs of such hazardous events (see main title below).

With reference to US Air Force and Navy reports [] [ FIG. 22-16], it can be stated that, during 1978-2002 among a total of 396 USAF crewmembers who experienced an ejection solely on modern ACESII seat, 67 suffered major injuries (17%), 78 suffered minor injuries (20%) and 39 didn’t survive (10%). These data do not take into account for the ejections listed in the Navy, Marine Corps, NASA and so on, or with previous seats or training Command [ (Since 1978, USAF ACES II saving more than 500 lives during more than 555 ejections, with 10% lethality)].

We estimate that our invention would drop the general loss rate by 60 % at least. In these conditions, we think that promotion and entering on industrial phase of manufacturing the ejector seat as it is detailed hereabove in the US Patent would be a decisive progress in term of saving lives of servicemen in combat. Servicemen ejected in hostile boundary have poor chance of being recovered if they suffer hard trauma []  [  P.48].


Our invention can fulfil such a challenge by unfocusing the violent, damaging ejection forces (G15-20) currently concentrated on the lower part of the spinal area by relocating a lot of them on upper part of the pilot's body enclosed in a harness with airbag functions:


__ Which is placed under tension (harness) into a sub-vertical hyper extended traction that avoids the upper body's weight to "crush" lower organs & spinal vertebras, which the current technique doesn’t realize yet by concentrating the upper body’s weight only on lower spinal area therefore generating frequent severe injuries. Airbags provide protection, stiffening, grip &better lifting. [“Hyper extended posture is ideal for ejections 1997-2005]. Harness shoulders straps could just support instantaneous apparent chests weight (for instance).


__ By simultaneously to this traction, allowing the buttock support to lower in a controlled manner in order to absorb the kinetic ejection shock traditionally focused only on the lower spinal vertebras in the past technique, so that with our invention the intervertebral space would be maintained nominal as in supine position (for instance), despite any acceleration. The Buttock could just support instantaneous apparent pelvis’s weight (for instance).  See 1st main title below & 2nd one about the simultaneously process.      See more at  further development  link


__ With help of neck airbag: contribute to erect head, to hyperextension with the attenuation of  head  &helmet weight on cervical (see main title below).



(2) On the other hand, out of ejection context, our Invention should find an application as a permanent or semi permanent G-Forces damping protection system, as a pilot fatigue countermeasures []. It could be a major improvement field axis in the next years. By gripping the chest wall, inflatable corset has an important counter-pressure function (facilitate exhalation &diaphragmatic activity) if activated with Positive Pressure Breathing during hypergravity (&/or high alt. loss of cabin pressure). Without PPB, extension of the cage facilitates inhalation &optimises straining maneuvers. Our system would strengthen the pilot's control under G-Forces by giving him more comfort, more tactical judgment to ensure air supremacy. The limit by which the [+Gz]induced Loss of Consciousness occurs would be pushed back. Should the Loss of Consciousness occur, the system would shorten its length and intensity. Such accrued pilot's comfort should save for the US only, 1-9 aircrafts yearly (up to 15% of their ejections) with avoiding collateral damages, since the last aircrafts generation price is well over $50M/unit. For Navy pilots, it should reduce the vertical shock of deck landing and for astronauts it could help the sitting posture & their hearts at the long missions final burst (see main title below).


(3) Furthermore our patent may be applied as an improvement to civil &military air transportation crashworthiness through an upgrade of the fixed seats but cost effectively &simplified (non ejection context) : our system intending to attenuate vertical effects of some impacting ground or water forces & to better restrain passengers in other forward abrupt decelerations & to protect helicopter (autorotation) or tiltrotor occupants during emergency landing. Any new safety progress keeps supporting the airline industry, passengers traffic &aircraft sales (see main title below). Out of aviation context &upon a same simplified concept, for the seats of mine clearance vehicles (event of a blast), tanks, marine crafts, roller coasters.



Along with the improvements owed to the US, Russian and English Companies regarding ejector seats and notably with the specialist Martin Baker CIE keeping high its investment in cutting-edge technologies, our patent offers an accurate answer to the actual preoccupations as detailed below. Applied, it would contribute to the pursuit or reinforcement of an economic, technological and military leadership along with the mandatory control of ever-growing social expenses.







__ Lower the ever-growing social and medical health costs of the ejected pilots population. Those expenses are at the forefront of the financial challenges of modern societies and the mandatory need for savings. The annual total medical-social cost of a quadraplegic was already $2M as of 1992 and costs are still growing; the 30 years cost amount to $60M... This "total" amount includes direct and indirect costs. The human suffering of the injured and their family cannot be quantified.

We remind we proposed our idea as soon as Nov 1996 to the industrial ejector seat leaders. Social &health costs are estimated in another letter.


__ Allow each pilot to bear numerous ejections and fly again without the need for retraining new pilots ($1.2M/pilot), the immediate availability of pilots being strategic, converge with the reshaping of the Army with the goal of having a very well trained and experienced small Air Force rather than a large but efficientless high "turn over" Air Force. There our Patent by keeping the well trained/experienced pilots active in the Air Force, would bring a critical advantage during wartime. “According to US Navy data, Non combat F/A-18 ejection statistics reveal that 90 percent of pilots survive. This same data shows that of the pilots who ejected over land and survived, 70 percent were injured in some way.   


__ Diminish the longitudinal downward bodies compression (+Gz) at the very time when, encountering the outside air flow (aircraft speed) at ejection, these organs have to support also a  –20 Gx deceleration (transversal to the spine) a forward compression. "Captain IROC" lost a full inch in height over Indian ocean.

Annihilate compression starter when pilot strong hands sharply pull the lower ejection initiation handle to end of travel (40 pounds).  (P.3)


__ As a permanent or semi-permanent Fatigue countermeasure our system should be especially useful for:

·         The Navy according to the goal of rendering pilots &equipments more (aircraft) carrier-suitable. Navy pilots repetitively endure more than any other pilots longitudinal and transversal G-Forces accelerations occurring during catapult, and (heavy) deck landing [equals to a small controlled crash involving up to 7,3 vertical +Gz] and higher flight stress conditions (shorter and unstable carrier deck etc.). Initiated when gear down & linked on to (IVSI) Instantaneous Vertical Speed Indicator, our system in increasing their comfort should enable them to optimally fulfil their mission with minimum navy hardship like never before. The propellers aircraft’s pilots (who don’t suffer as many G-Forces except on the deck) are subject to debilitating vibrations, especially during deck landing when the rotary rev are at maximum. (IVSI up to 26’/s) SurgeonsManual.pdf (appendix 24C /21-24)  (similar G magnitude on halfpipe touch &go)

·         Better in-flight resistance against high/low altitude turbulences &high speed terrain following vibrations; helicopter pilots may be concerned.

·         The possibility of a margin for an approved new cushion slightly more comfortable because of a reduced ‘overshoot’ phenomenon impact (ejection event) through a reduced load on the buttock if chest &shoulders are properly taken away.

·         The pilot improved capacity to reach the upper ejection handle or actuate the lower (40 pounds) at higher +Gz magnitude. And then to better lift his chest by a final anchor through  this handle and his hands &arm’s muscles to relieve the load on shoulders straps, on lumbar area. 22.html  (face curtain  up to 6/8G)

·         The health, the safety, the comfort and the career’s length of the pilot and then, should reduce the aggravation of the delayed long term pathologies related to earlier flight life.  

See more at  further development  link.


__ Retard the limit by which Losses of Vision & [+Gz]induced Loss of Consciousness (G-LOC) &Amnesia would occur during or out of ejection context. And once happened, shorten the length and intensity of G-LOC, mainly because unfocusing G-Forces equals to a better less damaging overall repartition of G-Forces rather than a very dangerous because highly concentrated damaging one. The more this repartition is overall spread out, the better the body organs, nerves or elements will intrinsically, homogeneously be swept along by G-forces. The organs should lesser jolt crush and damage themselves thus better enabling a lesser strained heart respond to their disorder and irrigate the brain [ ’’brain, which like all nervous tissue is particularly sensitive to lack of oxygen’’ ]. With reduced solicitation &better venous return, the heart should also drastically resist cardiac failure.

In our case the harness hang up the Chest musculo-skeletal System which could carry more finely each organ Heart, Aorta, Lungs, that Diaphragm also sustains providing better separation from lower: Liver Spleen, Kidneys, Stomach, Abdominal Aorta.

The Loss of Consciousness is responsible for a hard injuring sea/land touch down by an unconscious pilot who might get drowned.  [Whinnery, J. E. Laughlin, M.H., & Uhl, G.S. Coincident loss of consciousness and ventricular tachycardia during +Gz stress. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 1980, 51, 827-831]  [Whinnery, J. E., & Shaffstall, R. M. Incapacitation time for +Gz induced loss of consciousness. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 1979, 50, 83-85]  (notably p.15-20)

Consequences on the physiology, the health of the pilot and his mastery of the flight: on respiratory, on heat &urinary stress, notably with waterproof, NBC garments.    See more at further development link


__ With hyperextension bringing the chest closer to head, the diaphragm is higher &heart also: one thus reduces the aortic valve to eye &brain blood column height, which is a determining factor for better tolerance to the +Gz med/Manuals/FlightSurgeonManual/FlightSurgeonsManual.pdf (2/ 11) +extension+heart+élévation+cœur+buste&hl=fr&ct=clnk&cd=2 (IV 13) Reduce collapse (tissue tension), resistance of neck veins (jugular) .au/IAW2001Newsletter.PDF (p 10) “Avoid heart shifting towards abdomen” (Info Pilote Feb 2000 p 41). By releasing diaphragm and by containing the chest subsidence one can hope for a better coupling of parasympathetic &sympathetic nervous system, for better +Gz resistance with or without Gz baseline. On reclined-seat, hyperextension in addition would allow, by its natural  rib cage amplification effect (alleviate inhalation) to optimise lungs capacity and to oppose the oppression of anterior thoracic wall crushed on the lungs by the strong accelerations component beco-me transverse. Improve abdominal respiratory if required. Also help Positive Pressure Breathing: while limiting hyperinflation &hyperventila- tion, counterpressure corset &hyperextension optimise oxygenation &intrathoracic__to arterial pressure transmission to the brain.   See below #(3)


__ Allow the seat to fit (active settings) various bodies (110lbs to 240lbs), thus allowing women pilots to better bear the violent thrust of the rocket especially when the thrust is exclusively set-up for men larger, heavier and physiologically different bodies (vascular hormonal systems, strength, cross sectional area of vertebra). 5th percentile small weight pilot experience G18 to G20 (acceleration magnitude) when 95th percentile larger weight pilots experiences G14 to G16 only, because of the weight difference.   





__ Diminish the 5% to 50% rate for spinal injuries occurring during canopy fragmentation. Especially if the devices designed to destroy the canopy fail to do so.























__ Provide a solution to the weight issue of the new heavier helmet generation. Our Patent provide a neck airbag naturally supportive of the Panoramic Night Vision Google (PNVG) and other diurnal helmet-mounted display (like the Top Sight) which should find use during lateral or vertical (+Gz) flight acceleration as well as during an ejection, itself possibly laterally redirected (Russian ejections shown in Bourget air show 1989 &1999), and in some cases of wind blast (helmet tilting due to violent airflow, involving neck injuries). This airbag should also stiffen the neck in the abrupt [+5/ 26Gz] parachute opening shock range at that time when the pilot is possibly unconscious &harmed. Neck airbag should be conceived so that the head &helmet weights be mostly carried by the harness.   

See more at  further development  link.    (22/ 22, 29-31)


__Should reduce for shuttle space crew the impacts of  _ vibrations, blast (during ascent)  _sudden +Gz stresses involved by instability  _final +Gz sequence before Touch Down when seats aren’t anymore recumbent settled  _&future ejections if it is planned that they could do so (extreme vulnerability after long zero gravity exposure). connect&infobike=/asma/asem/2003/00000074/00000007/art00009&infomagic=a0e6df6c3292d45ca344f584546189bf


__ Specifically address the preoccupations and recommendations of the Bureau of Export Administration (BXA), of the Office of Strategic Industries (SIES), of the joint US-Japanese Initiative, [originating from Armstrong Lab., Air Force Research Lab., and Naval Air System Command NASC {together involved in the Crew Escape Technology CREST Program}] and notably address the NASC Solicitation RFP N00421-05-0050 (until Dec. 14, 2005: see main title below) which goal is to make current without delay the latest safety progress for the aircrew as accounted in the last Governmental Life Support Systems Budget for 2001-07. 

( subsystems+for+aircrew+escape+survival+february+2005&hl=fr )

( )


__ Allow the retrofit of the Aircrafts ejector seats already in use (30 000 about worldwide, +simulators market).  (BXA report, same ref.)


__ Our system should be especially helpful in aviation crashes or emergency sea/landing especially when the crewmember can predispose passengers to get ready &harnessed for the emergency. Crash has similarities with ejection but usually involves higher vertical (+Gz) forces besides forward (Gx) deceleration [or lateral (Gy) &angular forces]. Then considering abrupt (Gxz) decelerations, the degree of efficiency of a “forward seating position” (-Gx eyeballs out) updated with our system (+Gz countermeasure) may draw nearer to that ideal one of the “backward position” (+Gx eyeballs in, superior human tolerance) when comparing drawbacks &advantages of each :  “forward seating position” is not concerned by the drawbacks of the “backward one” which is lethality of all flying object, numerous in crash situation. Our system can stroke fully with the seat into the clear space of the delethalising underfloor area if existent and is compatible with & complementary of  inflatable restrain airbags. The increased safety is still the cause for the continued expansion of the airline industry (passenger traffic & aircraft sales). A cost effective & simplified system could easily be installed on all the seats of the commercial airliners. If more & more passengers are able to escape mostly uninjured from a crash, the airline industry would be promoted as it safety perception would be increased. The continued expansion of the airline industry is conditioned by the relentless safety of its flight & is correlatively always at risk of backing up when crashes happen. The prosperity of this activity is intimately related to the latest advances in safety progress. Our system may therefore be regarded as mandatory for the better of that industry.






Advantages of a simultaneous combination (4) of  [neck airbag  + buttock support collapse + harness]

by comparison with each of :


(1) neck airbag only

(2) buttock support collapse only

(3) harness only  (with or without chest airbag).  each claim could work alone



See ’Further Developments’ at


With respect to lower (a) the (DRI) Dynamic Response Index (first being developed for ejection seats), the (HIC) Head and (Nij) Neck Injury criterion, & (b) the (SE) values, respectively (a) maximum acceleration from singular events & (b) cumulative spinal injury predictions from multiple events over a normalized time.


In following (2) & (4) cases we consider 2 possible depths for the collapsing buttock:

_A length to react against shaking or to overcome part of the of upper body stretching range (hyper extension unfocus the concentrated loads),

_An additional length intending to an extenuation of hard +/- acceleration (at high onset).

This buttock braking could be done using some complex (s) {spring + jack} or by any other form of assistance &control.



(1) If neck airbag only

Create a local & stiffened hyperextension &relieve the head & helmet load  [ less than below in #(3-4) ]



(2) If buttock support collapses only    (as a shock isolator but without the use of harness)

There is no hyper-extension here. Nevertheless, there are advantages :


·               Crash     

Total buttock’s collapse realizes an additional deadening & braking length to the delethalizing area of the craft with effect to lower the impacting ground/ water forces.       FlightSurgeonsManual.pdf   22/ 45-47 - forces   FAR Part 23 also has a 6 g downward load requirement… skeletal structure is much weaker than the aircraft understructure and downward deceleration loads may result in serious injury, thus the importance of minimising the vertical velocity at impact.”

Autorotation, helicopter    “…Injuries in Aircrew in Non Fatal Helicopter Accidents”


·               Out of ejection context

The collapse &mobility of the buttock as damping protection system in shaking mode (more stable eye helmet-visor &instruments correlation), carrier deck landing, marine races (heavy/all sea states), troops operational suitability after low level flight or surface motorised incursion.


·               Ejection

To lower the +Gz forces, buttock support could totally collapse with avoiding overshoot as much as can be, to meet seat abutment with null speed or almost (possibly after the rocket stops, gravity solely).



(3) If harness only   (without the collapse of buttock support)

An hyperextension is created by the lifting of a stiffening harness which carries part of  the loads previously applied to lower body part. Gripping of harness is re enforced by our tubular integrated prehensile airbag components about the trunk & beneath the armpits (front back lateral). Inflations coupled with Positive Pressure Breathing (forced exhalation) provide counter pressure on the chest wall &diminish fatigue.

___Better protection against wind blast & objects collision is offered.

___Lower arm pain. Harness holding around armpits reduces high blood pressure within arms, thus petechial &vascular pain receptors shocks.

___Better tolerance to G-Forces, without PPB, induced by increasing Total Lung/Vital &Inspiratory Capacities, freer diaphragm &organs, better venous return, nerves response &hemodynamic results: optimal Respiratory Blocking* technique, intra thoracic &arterial pressures and brain irrigation. Clearer voice commands &communications facilitated by freer abdominal capacity. Differently, ideal complement to ’Recli- ned Seat’ during PPB, to restore diaphragm mechanical inspiratory activity (to same level as without PPB). Counteracts hypotension. Muscles sparingly used facing acceleration benefit dogfight endurance &mission fulfilling.  [*Info Pilote Feb. 2000 p. 41]ôle&hl=fr&ct=clnk&cd=9   (p. 17  lung capacities)  (p. 5  arm pain)

* In static up to 4sec, following by one new rapid dynamic respiratory (straining maneuvers). Thanks to hyperextension, lungs pinching is optimised more by effect of an optimal inspiration volume than by lungs compression which is now alleviated on diaphragm &abdomen. MF/FMFE/FMFEref/fs_man/CHAPTER 2.html  (straining L1 :  5sec pulling the head down between the shoulders)


Lower ’’Waterhammer Effect’’, blood clots  propulsive (many people have symptomless clots) after straining maneuvers when less com- pressed organs are recovering. “Some blood disorders &being immobilised” ( Constriction of thorax superficial vessels and around armpits improves internal circulation. Provides some shorter way &strainless blood column heart to eye/ brain.  (p. 6-2).  

Helpful in ejection, crash controlled or not &fatigue countermeasure dogfight, turbulences, marine races.

If ejection is envisaged under positive load factor (high sustained +Gz), ejection initiation settings will have to profit from the preliminary hyper extension ones (not-withstanding the stick depression).     

See ’Further Developments’ at




But hyper-extension is better and faster realized combined with the collapse of the buttock support as described below:




(4) Harness with thoracic & Neck airbags simultaneously combined with the collapse of the buttock support: a better and faster hyper-extension, gain of body mobility                                                    f°12, 44, vital reaction time

Such an optimised hyper extension is ideal physiologically against static station jeopardize. With simultaneously process, ’’hyperextension’’ happens faster &with more flexibility to overcome the margin of inefficiency (of the harness, straps, the shoulders &chest flexibility and stretch) and to better manage harness &buttock supporting process &the initialization allowance for tare. More topic, this bi-reaction easily frees from the distortion inherent to the stretching range, such a harder distance [in the case #(2)] for a single straps reaction. Initialization & stretching forces can work out of motor (or resistant work) to maintain a proper distance with canopy, head seat & instruments.

When lower Gz baseline (hypogravity exposure) is preceding, better vascular, cardiac response time (see title link) after parasympathetically dominated condition has reversed to sympathetically mediated one with +Gz hypergravity : vasoconstriction, tachycardia, higher heart contractility &head pressure (heart must raise from a deficit under a normal level it should have if Gz baseline didn’t occur before). Push-pull transition could perhaps maintain some voluntary extension-persistence from hypogravity (push) induced posture that would anticipate the hypergravity required hyperextension in response to specific stick pressure (pull). Alleviate posture/respiratory muscles &privilege heart flow to the brain.

To spare the resistance with the shoulders, a measured distribution might be discounted slightly lower than 50 – 50 (% upper body weight) :  

__ with the subvertically chest/shoulder harness tensor   

__ and with the mobile pelvis buttock support,  

but more than in the prior art with current restraint :  5(only transversal torso restraint) --- 95(fixed buttock near supporting all upper body)  “At  +6Gz  a 160 pound aviator is pressed into his seat with an equivalent of 960 lbs” TER 2.html    Pelvis femoral joint remains less rooted to the spot (lighter, more angular move). One or both actors may be deactivated for a time according to the type of exposure its intensity & to what lumbar area can bear (low +Gz discomfort tolerance range). Their permanence being recovered at any time when better protection needed. Our neck & thoracic airbags contribute to hyperextension (local extension) as described in  # (1 & 3) : airbags supported loads lean less on the lumbar area than in #(1) because retained by the chest harness where neckairbag rests. 


See #2 Ejection: Unfocused loads being lowered as +Gz forces decrease, when the pilot imperceptibly slips until gradually exploiting all the allocated depth under the buttock. Better hemo dynamic results & overshoot countermeasure.


In restraint with pelvis subsidence, venous return is more secured by an upper knee’s position (closer to heart level, limits blood poo-ling notably during PPB). Harness & pelvis suspension: more deadened points to protect the crewmember from forces &shocks going up by the seat fixings. More comfort to react with panel &displays and helpful during high +Gz forces, shaking, carrier deck landing...


As an additional deadened &braking distance, the advantage of the totally collapsing buttock is increased by the reserve of the harness which transfers part of the dorso-lumbar area compression to the shoulders straps what is not the case into #(2).  Same references as in #(2). Because terminal velocity reduces, so dissociated loads (on upper torso &lumbar area) also diminish.








RFP Number N00421-05-R-0050     12/14/2004  12/14/2005  CLOSE DATE



















“Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) N00421-05-R-0050 solicits/requests proposals for Developmental Aircrew Protective Clothing and Devices for use in Tactical, Rotary, and Support Aircraft. Responses to this BAA submitted in accordance with the guidelines set forth herein will be accepted at the Contracting Office for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of this announcement. No formal solicitation will be issued; this BAA is the solicitation. AREAS OF INTEREST - Areas of interest include new, innovative approaches to providing enhanced aircrew protection/performance in current and future Navy tactical, rotary and support aircraft. Topic areas include but are not limited to: (1) protection against G-induced loss of consciousness, loss of situational awareness, spatial disorientation, and high altitude hypoxia; (2) development of micro/nanotechnology applicable to life support and protective devices; (3) protection against hypothermia/hyperthermia; (4) auxiliary or integrated human cooling and heating systems; (5) integrated helmet mounted displays, multi-mode helmet vision system technology; (6) advanced filter/device development for eye and / or sensor protection; (7) aircrew / equipment compatibility; (8) aircrew breathing systems and advanced concept approaches for current and future aircraft applications; (9) improved crash protection, advanced restraint systems (all axes of restraint), and seating concepts; (10) emergency egress/escape concepts such as but not limited to improved signaling/locating, thermal signature reduction, and day/night cloaking technologies (11) improved / integrated communications systems; (12) improved hearing protection and communiction capabilities in high noise environments (13) improved / integrated floatation systems; (14) human strength enhancement technologies; (15) improved garment textiles/materials flame resisitance and improved garment textile/materials, flame resistant and melt-proof fibers, webbings, water-proof, high-stretch, breathable fabrics, durable, malleable, lightweight conductive-network fabrics, low-bulk/high flexibility vascular compression mechanisms for acceleration protection, fast-response cooling/heating textiles (16) improved lightweight, portable power sources, recharging and scavenging technologies; and (17) other threat protection technologies. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION - Proposals may address one or more of the areas listed above. Proposals shall be limited to advanced development where concept feasibility has already been demonstrated. The period of performance may range from .5 up to 4 years at a level of effort of .5 to 5 work-years per year. Reasonable deviations/exceptions will be considered. More than one proposal may be submitted during the twelve (12) month period following publication of this announcement. Technical proposals shall not exceed fifty (50) pages. Cost proposals shall include a detailed breakdown of proposed cost/prices. Offerors shall submit one (1) original and four (4) copies of their proposal to Contracts…


Department Of The Navy, NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND, Aircraft Support Contracts Department (, 21983 Bundy Road, Unit 7 Bldg 441, Patuxent River, MD 20670-1127  

Dr. James Sheehy, AIR 4.6T (301) 342-8480, e-mail:

Ms. Roberta Nethercutt (301) 757-8939, email: (contractual matters)”


