Next 15 years WITHOUT PATENT WITH PATENT SAVINGS VXW ejections (XW/year)
Deaths WW deaths & $XX Millions YY lives saved & $XY M 10% [$1.2M/new pilot trained +$1.5M/family 60% drop Families avoid the drama of fatalities pension, ins., &med. costs bef. death, loss of economic consumption]. Families suffer the loss of the loved ones.
Major Injured YX pilots $ZZ M ZW Maj Inj $KW M 17% YX x $2M per quadra. x30 years + $306M 60% drop [$1.2M/new pilot trained] 1 quadraplegic Families avoid the suffering of the loved ones can cost up to $4M/year (total costs). Families endure the suffering of the loved ones. Costs keep growing. SEE BELOW (A)
Minor Injured vxw pilots $WK M XXY Min Inj $GW M 20% [GWG x $10,000 x 30years] 60% drop
Women's deaths/injuries $GWX M 60% drop $GXX M extra cost Emerging growing cost since the thrust of the ejection rocket further injures women's lighter &different bodies: SEE BELOW (A*)
Pilots olderness aggravated $XGG M 60% drop $XXG M pathology cost related [Z,000 pilots x $5,000 x20 life’s last years] to earlier flight life
Aircraft losses, YYG aircrafts $YYX M JJW aircrafts $XXW M as crew lost consciousness or not 62% of Y,000ejections [XSW x $60M] 15% drop as permanent Fatigue countermeasure syst. of our patent expected to reduce flight's fatigue by 35% (not only G-Loc) See below (B)
ABW aircrafts $ZZW M 15% drop as our patent is to remedy to the due to Lack of Training/Experience of the pilots hired in replacement of the well trained/ experienced pilots dead or major injured unable to fly again because of lack of application of our patent. See left upper note : experienced pilots shortage These amounts are low hypothesis regarding left frame: only G-Loc related crash webdata. SEE BELOW (B)
Collateral Damages $GXW M 30% drop $XXG M Class A, B, C ... Mishaps Reports
Strategic for war supremacy KGX immediate unavailable pilots KGW immediate available well trained pilots Availability/Unavailability KZW non immediately available (with lower aircraft loss rate) no need for rehiring Trained/Not trained rehired new pilots (not trained) (no training cost) with higher aircraft's loss rate` 60% drop [AAG deaths + AAW majored inj.] [HX saved pilots + HHW not majored injured pilots] Survival rate after Lower Survivability Higher Survivability and recovery, ejection Lower SAR Search & Rescue (SAR) in hostile boundary During Dogfight Lower Dogfight Air Supremacy Higher Dogfight Air Supremacy (tactical control and mastery of the flight) [+Gz]-induced Loss of Sooner, Deeper, Durable Later (1-3more +G-Force notably after lower Gz baselines) Consciousness (G-LOC) slightly lighter &less durable. SEE BELOW (C)
Crash &controlled crash $GGX M 05% drop $XWY M in civil &military transports, [WYX deaths x 1.5M x 15years = HHX M] asma.org/pdf/asma_news/dec04bob.pdf (P. 2) events of blast, shocks vibrations en- [ANW major inj x 2M x 30 years = SWX M] nhrc.navy.mil/rsch/code21/projects/impactshock.htm countered with all sea /land /aircrafts ntsb.gov/aviation/stats.htm (Special Boat Unit: highest hospitalization rates behind airmen)
TOTAL $DXW M or 100% $GZY M or 27%
Note: It costs $6 million to train a pilot to full operational competence comw.org/pda/afreadsu.html (shortage)
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=11817620&dopt=Abstract safeassociation.com/proceedings.html Potential Pathological Effects of Repeated +Gz Exposures on Brain. asma.org/journal/abstracts/v72n5/v72n5p422.html ’’It has been demonstrated that during +Gz exposure cerebral blood flow is significantly reduced resulting in brain ischemia. Such conditions could recur several times during centrifuge training &combat maneuvers’’ Xi-Qing Sun, Li-Fan Zhang, Xing-yu Wu. wanfangdata.com.cn/qikan/periodical.Articles/htyxyyxgc/htyx2004/0403/040302.htm [17] risk of human cardiac damage during +Gz stress [11] cardiac pathology [1] valvular regurgitation. fun.familyeducation.com/summer/safety/35168.html Clots on both brain sides of a 24 year-old woman, following 6 roller coaster rides. Brain damage, internal bleeding hse.gov.uk/research/hsl_pdf/2002/hsl02-07.pdf p.34, roller coaster up to +6,4 Gz in relation to manned flight (losses of vision &consciousness occurs to subjects in roller coaster simulator) kcl.ac.uk/de psta/biomedical/physiology/jp390/2005/Acceleration_Physiology.pdf p.32-35 neck/deep-arm pain, degenerative spinal disease: disk degeneration osteophytes ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=15945404&query_hl=2&itool=pubmed_docsum musculoskeletal disabilities. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Display&dopt=pubmed_pubmed&from_uid=12024887&tool=ExternalSearch |
eurocontrol.int/mil/gallery/content/public/milgallery/documents/military_statistics_2006.pdf Considering 4,500 agile US fighters each flying 100 hours per year (=450,000 hours/year total fleet) 450 [G-induced Loss of Consciousness] incidents per year can be stated. 15% of these G-Loc events (single &2 seat average) result in 67 crashes/year kcl.ac.uk/depsta/biom edical/physiology/jp390/2005/Acceleration_Physiology.pdf p 13, single/2 seat =30%--0.6% crashes findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0IBO/is_3_25/ai_84304844/pg_2 F15, 300 hours/ year brooks.af.mil/af/files/fsguide/HTML/Chapter_04.html {about 1 G-Loc incident per 1000 hours ’’This is obviously an issue of major operational concern’’} Info Pilote 527 Feb. 2000 p 37 : ’’recent years several tens accidents on F16, F18 & on F20 prototypes” (G-Loc). en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-22_Raptor unit cost $338M (183 on order) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F/A-18E/F_Super_Hornet unit cost $60M newsfactor.com/story.xhtml?story_id=1220059QTARG F35B/C unit cost $60M |
(A) Deaths and major injuries
Social Health and Medical costs are skyrocketing (see first letter for more details). Those expenses are at the forefront of the financial challenges of modern societies and the mandatory need for savings. By 2030, 60% of the Us budget will de applied to social expenses if nothing is done. Besides, the human suffering of the major injured (quadriplegic) and their families (deaths of the loved ones) cannot be quantified and is difficult to realize for the non-injured community. Those injured loose the taste of living and struggle between passive or active suicide. Some of them or their families may ask for other compensation (legal redress) if they are to learn things could have been done earlier to prevent such injuries and sufferings.
* Females have lower orthostatic tolerance than males. stormingmedia.us/58/5834/A583453.html Female Exposure to High G: Chronic Adaptations of Cardiovascular Functions. stormingmedia.us/21/2191/A219133.html Since oral contraception doubles risk of heart attack and the risk of stroke especially the first year for venous thrombosis &pulmonary embolism, risk again increased with G-induced lungs pinching, too organs compressions &immobility. jcem.endojournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/90/7/3863
www.rxlist.com/cgi/generic/lngeed_wcp.htm (retinal thrombosis may lead to partial or complete loss of vision).
findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3912/is_200302/ai_n9207771 “Large magnitude +Gz accelerations in fighter pilots induce extreme orthostatic changes” brooks.af.mil/af/files/fsguide/HTML/Chapter_04.html “Future aircraft designs such as the advanced tactical fighter (ATF) will make it possible to fly in the 10 to 12 +Gz range” (current technique limits human with 10G).
ctie.monash.edu.au/hargrave/fast_women.pdf “Much effort &expense is being applied throughout the world to accommodate females in all aircrafts” (greater strength is demanded during G-sustaining, respiratory straining maneuvers &to initiate ejection).
(B) Aircraft’s losses
· Due to Fatigue: fatigue (which originates in G-Forces) has long been identified as the cause of unfulfilling optimally its mission by the pilot, which means lack of control, of tactical judgment and mastery of the flight which ultimately leads to critical errors like crashes, ejections, collisions, with all the consequences herein explained. Fatigue is such a cause of mishaps that it has led to the Fatigue Counter-measures Dept at the Armstrong Lab of the US Air Force Research Lab fiestacrow.com/FC03/exhibitors.htm (Booth 111) and the same at the NASA Ames Research Center. Fatigue is fought against through chemistry (pills) and devices like ours. We estimate Fatigue during normal flight (out of ejection context) to be reduced by 35% by lowering the tiring/straining & immobilising effects of G-Forces :
· by better spreading those ones in a less damaging and painful manner, as it also does in context of ejection
· by facilitating the breathing, itself by freeing the diaphragm (allowing for a more relaxing abdominal ins- piration if needed). Extension &with the buttock collapse, globally induces less immobility with the crew.
with the application of our patent as a permanent fatigue counter-measures system, the whole thing of the patent being precisely to address the G-Forces and its consequent fatigue/stress/kinetic/compression injuries in both of its applications (ejection and out of ejection context). Since the Fatigue of the Navy pilots is higher, the patent should be more efficient to improve flight safety & heavy landing on aircraft carriers. Since the pilot should be able to bear 1-3 more G-Forces than previously, the limits and ways of flying should be further redefined. See more at www.ejsbat.com ’Further development’ link.
· Due to lack of training/experience: as well trained/experienced people are far more efficient than their opposite, our patent is to remedy the aircraft's losses due to lack of training/experience of the new pilots hired in replacement of the dead (XWB) and the majored injured (WBY) unable to fly again (without our patent being applied). It can be estimated such lack of training/experience accounts for 15% of aircraft's losses since the hiring of new untrained/inexperienced pilots induces a cycle of aircraft 's losses/ejections/major injuries and its consequent rehiring of untrained/inexperienced pilots. Our patent not only will avoid the loss of aircrafts but also by keeping the well trained/experienced pilots able to bear numerous ejections and fly again, it should provide as much air supremacy as experience and training can achieve.
(C) G-Loc [occurs sooner after negative Gz exposure than without : ’Push-Pull’ effect in up to 29% of USAF G-Loc accidents]
Not only the +G-Loc should happen later, but it should be slightly lighter and less durable because the harness is going to keep preventing the chest's organs to descend while and immediately after the release of the G-Forces. As explained in our first letter: the disorganisation of the abdominal and chest's organs contribute to the G-Loc because of the difficulty of the heart to irrigate the brain through such a chest disorder and to receive enough nourishment from the coronaries blood. Without harness, the organs would be further stressed even with a sole cushion. The lower compression, the better time response against parasympathetic condition persistence following hypogravity ride. Also harness is going to restrain the chest superficial vascularization and the arms internal circulation (harness &shoulder belts), to the benefice of vital major blood internal circulation of the trunk, and then to the benefice of the brain. collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp01/MQ43410.pdf f° 12, 19, 44 hypogravity, G-Loc.
See more at www.ejsbat.com ’Further development’
Current Costs (frame 1) per 15 years -$CCX M
Expected Savings from Patent +$HXA M besides keeping leadership and other strategic technological, military & economic advantages (know- -how, consumption activity etc.)
Cost of retrofitting ($YHW,000) -$GHY M +$KXZ M in taxes from said $KGW M or renewing ($350,000) all US or $250,000 x JK,000 seats [Corp., Indiv & Sales taxes] ejection seats to benefit from Average seat cost or 20% expected savings +$FXZ M sales from said $FFX M would be done by foreign www.martin-baker.com/news_press.html competition if patent not bought by the US Govt or seat industry
US retrofit or new seat’s sales +$DXZ M in sales for US seat Indus. to 22 nations customers of US [$250,000 average cost x AAS seats x seat industry 15 years] Economic wealth +$SXW M in taxes generated from ir.goodrich.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=60759&p=irol-newsArticle&ID=652212&highlight said $ZGG M [Corp, Indiv. & Sales taxes] or 20%
Royalties from licensing +$KZW M Agreements over 15 years $EXQ,000/ right to make seat modification x N,000seats x 15years [UK Leading Martin-Baker CIE sells L,000seats/year with 75% of the western market]